Thai | British

I identify as a mixed-race, White and South East Asian Gay man. My Mum is Thai and Dad is British. They met in Thailand. They connected me to my cultures through food as well as visiting and living in both countries. I have been experimenting with Buddhist Teachings and meditation. Something that was advised to me by my Thai family and is extremely important for a healthy mind.

I’m very pro interracial relationships. Being a Gay Asian man has been very difficult growing up with this identity. I have always found it tricky when dating and have always had in the back of my mind, my race will be the deciding factor if a guy will start anything new with me. Growing up in a small town that was White populated and having very few person of colour role models around me made me lose my Asian identity, and having minimal representation in the media, I felt it was a valid reason why my dating life in one word 'sucked' as my race wasn't visible to the mainstream and therefore conditioned to find a certain race more attractive. Once I left my small town and lived in metropolitan cities like Manchester and now London I exposed myself to a vast amount of people of colour. This has let me have an acceptance of myself that I have always struggled to have. Dating life is still tricky but I have learnt that acceptance is the key to move past this and to truly accept yourself in your own skin.

I would only ever talk to anyone seriously about my identity to someone who is mixed-race or a person of colour. They instantly identify with what I am saying and it feels I can get genuine constructive advice because most probably have been through the same struggles. Strong independent self-assured Asian men and women are my role models. My Thai Mother is probably the strongest person mentally I know. In terms of the mainstream media, Gok Wan, Burt Kwouk, Gemma Chan as well as Will Sharpe.

I visited Thailand as a child but would love to go back at some point soon. There was prejudice as many of my peers would identify me as an alternative race, and racism would occur.

There isn’t any East Asian representation that I can see, especially in mainstream media. I might as well be invisible. Where are all the South East Asian people in the soaps, TV shows and publications? I am incredibly passionate about South East Asian culture and representation. Being mixed-race I have struggled with being seen and heard, and at times taken seriously. Being someone now who is in their 30's I would like to be a part of a movement that spearheads British South East Asian’s into the spotlight. I am tired of seeing minimal representation for my race and would like to see things change dramatically very soon.

I work for a large brand in their development team. My professional background got me the role and I feel my presence as an Asian man within the working environment creates a positive visibility. The last time I cried it was about a job situation that wasn’t quite working out. I think some people feel shame when they become sensitive and exposed. I see it as a strength. I find my mind clears and things become less hazy once I have had the boo hoos..