“I was reading about your project in the Guardian article. Just wanted to let you know how beautiful I found it - such a fantastic picture of our country. Thanks. I hope you keep going.”
— Justin Lewis
“The new website for @mixedracefaces is looking superb! Again, please take the time to read these inspiring stories- damn proud to be a part of this.”
— Jon Reid-Edwards
“Wonderful project and beautiful portrait photography”
— Lucia Rusinakova
“I’ve been following mixedracefaces forever and thought I should write to say that I would ABSOLUTELY love to take part in the project. Do you accept submissions? My cultural background is quite varied (my father’s parents were born in *then* Bombay and then moved to Israel, where my dad was born, and my mother was born in Angola and ran away to Portugal aged 13...) so would like to think I’d be somewhat suitable!”
— Jenny Barcelos
“Hi! Just came across your amazing photographs. I’m Bangladeshi/English so it’s really inspiring to hear other people’s stories”
— Jasmin Quresh
“Love your page”
— Mixedpresent
“Hello, I wanted to message you to say I love what you’re doing. I write a blog at mixedracefamily.com and have shared your site via Facebook and tomorrow via my newsletter. If we can do any collaboration I’d love to be part of what you’re building. “ Fariba”
— Mixed.up.mama
“Lovely work - I’m enjoying seeing and reading all the stories. Very relatable, thanks x”
— Jennifer Daley
“Most definitely, love! We’re here to support one another! 🧡I’m very passionate about biraciality and it warms my heart to see our community growing on social platforms..”
— biracial_isbeautiful
“Love what you’re doing”
— Joe Aaron Reid
“Hi My name is Brad. I run an organisation called Mix-d (pronounced mixed). And I own a brand called Mix-d: Hair. Everything I do is in the service of the mixed race discussion and the brand. I love the work you are doing...are you free for s catch up some time? Warm regards Brad.”
— mixdhair
“Hi I really love what you’re doing. Such a great concept to celebrate diversity. I emailed you yesterday about participating. I would love to be involved. Keep up the good work! X”
— Culturalliasons
“Lovely to meet you on Sat Tenee. Stay in touch - really looking forward to being part of the project x Carly”
— Carlita_wellbeing
“Hey there. Love your page. Would love to be involved in some way. I am a British Filipino actor but if I’m being honest I always get taken as English. I’ve also had “maybe Spanish, Italian mix”. Have a great story to tell about how a national newspaper described me as White, and it immediately rubbed me up the wrong way.”
— J K Cooney
“Hey I’d love to be featured on your amazing page how do I go about it ?”
— Kelly
“Oh so pleased to hear it! I think everyone I suggested loved the experience and are getting more and more people involved! I’ve also just finished ‘the good Immigrant’ which is a great collection of essays... Daniel York wrote one of them. Highly recommend!”
— Fiona Hampton (actor)
“I am! I’m Puerto Rican and Black. I would love do something with you guys. What do I need to do?”
— C J Sykes (actor)
“Hello. I am in NYC, not London, but I love what you are doing. Maybe we can collaborate one day or at least I could interview the founder / photographer of your page for Radiant Mix. Email me at info.radiantmix.com”
— Radiantmix
“Hey! Thanks for checking out my page. I love your page and what you’re bringing to light in the mixed community!”
— Alyssa Christine
“It was a pleasure!! I found the whole experience quite cathartic as I’d never really discussed my mixed-heritage in such a manner ”
— Lebona Vernon
“I’m a mixed race London-based filmmaker and would love to be a part of this. It’s so good that someone is doing this, I wish I’d seen something like this years ago. I’m 33 now, but it’s only recently that I’ve really started to honestly look at just what being mixed-race really means, or rather, how it’s effected my day to day from day one. I’m mixed white Afro-Caribbean.”
— Jon Reid-Edwards
““...Can I be a subject ? X “”
— Stephen Hoo
“I am mixed myself and have enjoyed reading the comments under your beautiful photos . Great work ”
— Frederic Aranda
“Hi, I’ve been following this page for a while and I’ve found it so enlightening. Your recent post really spoke out to me as I am also half Ghanaian half Jamaican and the “what actually are you” question has followed me my entire life. Thank you for pointing out different cultures mixing is also a huge impact as well as different races, it all affects us in different kind of ways. Seeing that post really put a smile on my face!!
— Jade
“I was reading about your project in the Guardian article. Just wanted to let you know how beautiful I found it - such a fantastic picture of our country. Thanks. I hope you keep going.”
— Justin Lewis
“Looking at and reading the stories on this site has been really comforting to me as a mixed Zimbabwean/British/Vietnamese person. I’ve recently been struggling with my ethnic and cultural identity as I find it very difficult to be able to represent all of these amazing cultures. Although I am part black and many of my facial features are Zimbabwean, my skin is fair and I have Asian eyes which means that many around me don’t recognize my black heritage. This is especially difficult as my mother, sister and father are dark and so I can sometimes feel left out. I also sometimes struggle with feelings of guilt in identifying as black because my light skin has meant that I haven’t encountered the same struggles as many black people. My struggles with identity are far from over but I firmly believe that websites such as this that create a community can help the millions of people going through the same cultural crisis.”
— Nyasha Thomas
“This is fantastic, I’m the mother of a mixed race daughter, (I’m white British her father is black British , his parents were born in Antigua). Just wanted to say thank you ... my daughter and I will read these stories together , she’s 11, I’m so hoping she can grow up with a strong positive identity ”
— Dawn morpeth
“Are you still looking for subjects for the project?
I’d love to get involved...”
— Michael Ho
“I’m a mixed race (British / Chinese-Malay) man living in the Peckham area and saw an article on your project in the Guardian/Observer today. I would potentially be interested in participating if you are still seeking interviewees. Just get in contact to let me know if so!”
— Martin Hughes
“I just finished reading your article with The Guardian and exploring your project further. On this grey and rainy day in Glasgow (where I am currently based before heading back to London next month) it really moves me, makes me smile and adds a strong sense of pride, so thanks!
My family background is fairly mixed; my mother is Scottish, Irish, born in Malta and raised in England. My biological father Jamaican but raised in the UK. My stepfather, who raised me and for all but blood is my dad, was Dutch-American. I was raised in Amsterdam, Florida, Boston, Dubai, Singapore and London. For obvious reasons my identity had always been an issue, I never truly had a home and where I was from seemed to change with the person I was in conversation with. I don’t feel that this was me being dishonest but in fact I felt the opposite, but, often times found it an uncomfortable experience when inevitably talking about ‘home’.
The article in The Guardian made me feel proud of my mixed background. Proud of the insecurities it brings, proud of the strength it gives others in similar situations and in doing so now gives me. Having mainly lived in Peckham for the last 6 years I also feel that there is no better place to represent true diversity, in London anyway. In a world that seems to be so negatively effected by focus on homogeneity your project brings to light incredible beauty and importance in mixed identity and, I feel, encourages empathy and positivity.
In two weeks I will be moving back to London to start as close to my dream job as possible, something I am extremely nervous about. Your project inspires me and in a way has brought a solid sense of motivation. I feel optimistic and emboldened to be myself, everyone is at different levels of understanding who they are and thats okay! I also now realise that some of my nerves were down to an idea of belonging and even though I don’t ever truly feel I will belong somewhere, your project (and other things) now help me to understand that doesn’t really matter that much to me. I’m proud of being part of a group of mixed race individuals, I’m proud of being from no where in particular and, for the first time in my life, I’m proud of who I am.
Thank you very much and I very much look forward to seeing your future work.”
— Rudi Minto de Wijs
“My name is Bryan and I would like to submit my story if you guys were still looking for people’s submission.
In short, I am French Créole which means that I am mixed with whatever ‘races’ populated my island over the years since colonial times onwards. The island is named Réunion funny enough, which symbolises the gathering, mixing and ‘union’ of different cultures and people.
My mother is biracial: her father is white (French) and her mother is what people would call ‘black’ anywhere else in the world but on the island. Tto us, she is a ‘cafrine’, a term reminiscent of ‘coffee’. This means she is a mix of different black folks (African slaves most likely from Southern African regions and migrants from Madagascar). Mum is very light skin and is often mistaken for Latino or North African.
My father is white of skin but is also part-‘brown’. His mother is white (French) and his father was half white and half-Indian. If my father had been dipped in chocolate, you would get me as a result.
My cousins all look like they are from different parts of the world even though we were all born on the island from Créole parents. My siblings and I also share those differences as our common ground. My little sister can go from being light-skin like mum to reaching my melanin-rich complexion. My little brother has my curly fro, but he has white skin and blond/brown hair.
Before I left the island, all of the above was the Créole standard. When moving to France and then later to the UK, I had the biggest identity crisis in both nations. In France, I was an island’ boy, un ‘métisse’. In the UK, I was neither black nor the typical bi-racial mixed-race guy. Here I am considered racially ambiguous enough to be either Latino, mixed African, Caribbean, mixed-Asian sometimes, etc.
I have experienced micro-aggressions and flat-out racism on several occasions. Often, people would struggle to comprehend my origins as my accent is peculiar and my features aren’t the most standard in Europe. When I started emancipating myself from people’s misguided perceptions I started redefining my Créole identity loudly for all to hear. Now people who know me understand that my island is not a fantasy tale and truly exists as this merging point with faces, skins and hair so different from one individual to another sharing the same blood.
If my story could be of interest to you, let me know how I can get involved.
Have a great day, Bry”
— Bryan Valéry
“In any case, just wanted to thank you for your work. The question “where are you really from” brought tears to my eyes as even as a white European who identifies as British it is one I am asked all the time.
Take care, Anne-Wil”
— Anne-Wil Harzing
“Just wanted to say, what a brilliant website! I’m British and Indian so felt a surge of emotions whilst scrolling through and reading other mixed heritage people’s experiences. If you need any more faces for your website, I’d happily be photographed. Myself and my 3 siblings grew up in a very white village in Cheshire...no traumas but I’m much happier living in a diverse northern city now.
Anyway- thanks again. I love the website! A real celebration of people like me.”
— Abby Sarkar
“Hi, I just wanted to thank you for creating this site. It’s really interesting, I have only so far read a couple of entries but I’ve looked at all the photos. I am white but my son has a Jamaican father so I have always been interested in the concept of being a mixed race person but your site has helped me to broaden my understanding and awareness. thanks again.”
— Gillian Probyn
“Hi! My name is Sae, and I am half British half Japanese. I absolutely love your project and really believe it is important to have a platform for people of mixed race to celebrate diversity. Reading people’s different stories made me feel like I could relate and belong to a community that I hadn’t seen represented enough through any form of media. I’m glad to have found your website and the stories that are on it so thank you very much! ”
— Sae Bosco
“hi, I came across your website through the Guardian.
I wanted to say thank you for telling the story of mixed-race people so beautifully and personally.
I am half-Iranian and half-Filipino ( my father is Iranian and my mother is Filipina). I was born and grew up in Sydney, Australia.
I identify alot with the stories being told by those on that you have interviewed. Being asked where I am from has become a very complicated and introspective questions. Especially since I have since lived in London and Shanghai and saying that I am Australian is always met with a confused look. ”
— Zahra Nowrouz Tafreshi
“Hey! I’ve just come across your site and absolutely love this project. As a mixed race person myself (Welsh/North African) my idea of who I am and how people perceive me is constantly in flux based on where I happen to be in the World. It’s both a blessing and a source frustration which I’m constantly grappling with. Reading the stories here have given me a real sense of perspective. Keep up the good work! Jmeel ”
— Jmeel allen
“ I have just read an article in the Guardian about this project. It’s a wonderful idea. I love it. Being mixed race can be confusing. I’m a dark skinned mixed race woman - British/French Canadian/Bajan. I remember when I was a little girl I came home from school in floods of tears because the other children had said that my mum wasn’t my real mum because she was white. In fact she wasn’t white but looked it, she was a mixed race person with a mum from Lancashire and a Dad from Montreal - he was black. Even now I’m trying to do my family tree because I find the whole thing fascinating.
Good luck with this project. Regards Roslyn”
— Roslyn Henry
“Seeing your photos gives me an enormous sense of belonging; I would really love to be part of your series if you are still taking photos for it?
Thank you for doing what you do ”
— Rhianna
“Hey I just wanted to say how incredible this page is! I found it through the guardian article and it has been fantastic to read through all these different peoples’ experience and opinions. Also, it has a bit of a personal meaning for me being mixed and all that. Keep up the fantastic work!”
— Antonio Lumley
“Hi, saw the Guardian article and loved looking at the different faces. If you are looking for more faces or stories, I would be happy to contribute. I am British/Trinidadian/Indian/Chinese. I am presently writing a memoir/family history. Best wishes ”
— Cheryl Lim
“ I was born in Barnet in 1961 to a French mother and a Jamaican father. My Mom was an Au Pair and Dad was a student at the University of London. We immigrated to Canada in 1964. Mom was treated like “easy pickings” because she was married to a black man. My brother and I were often the only POC in our schools and I was always being asked if I was adopted. I have always identified as black, but I am fiercely proud of my French heritage. I am married to a black man who is 5th generation Canadian and part indigenous - Mohawk and Iroquois, to be exact. My brother married a woman of Irish and Scottish descent. My oldest son is married to a woman who is Egyptian/Sudanese. Our family is the very definition of diversity. Where I live (Montreal) I see mixed couples everyday and it makes me smile. ”
— Brigitte Cameron Brown
“ I just wanted to write to say well done on putting this together. I can’t imagine how much time and effort it took.
I suppose I do have 2 questions. One could argue that this is the third time we have seen the rise of a mixed race population in the UK: first in Roman times, then in the 15th-17th century and now?
Do you think this phase of a noticeable rise of a mixed race population will end differently to the way it has in the past i.e. the population apparently ethnically white within a few generations?
Secondly, why is it in general when we say mixed race it is taken to make a white person and some other ethnic group? Do you think this simply reflects the world as it is or reflects patterns of ethnic domination in the last few centuries?
Anyway, great idea and wishing you the best.”
— Gaverne Bennett
“Just to say as an Anglo/Iranian brought up in the U.K. that this is reassuring and an articulation of something I’ve felt but not fully worked through. Thank you this is a good idea.”
— Roya Hamid
“I saw the guardian article and it really moved me what a brilliant project and I wanted to get in contact.
Born in Liverpool with parents from Guyana, in South America my dad is half Chinese half Portuguese and my mum had a mix of Portuguese, Indian, Scottish and black.
I’ve always struggled with identity, I still do, though proud of my heritage, my career path can make things a little tricky, just like on the equal opportunities form when you are forced to squeeze your heritage into a small tick box! I work as an actress and it feels that people are so eager to put you, what you look like, skin colour, features, your race and heritage into a box.
I would love to be a part of your project and discuss further ”
— Zelina Rebeiro
“Hey :)
I just read your article. I am from Brockley, I’d love to be involved somehow. It is crazy because just on Saturday I was discussing this exact topic with my work colleagues. It made me want to write a show or short film or something creative! Then I stumbled across Mixed Race Faces! Please let me know how I can get involved :) ”
— Eboni Dixon
“I’m proud to hear that finally mixrace people across the world have now an amazing platform where they can share also their own stories , it was much needed and now their stories and voice and portraits can be shared with all , is so interesting to read each stories and i know many people will feel related and can be also inspired , I’m proud to be part also of this journey and i can’t wait to see a worldwide tour exhibition of these amazing portraits, thank you for making them visible to the world. ———————-Pianist without borders”
— Fabio Tedde
“I saw your website on the Guardian article about the mixed race experience and thought you might like a story from someone who is, I think, a bit older than many of your subjects - I am 43. I grew up in Kent, in a town which was, in the 70s and 80s, very white. My Oxford-educated Sri Lankan mother brought me up to look and sound British but absolutely not to identify as British or white (“white people are dirty, white people are promiscuous” etc etc) so I was always clear that I was not white and that white was nothing to aspire to. When I spent time in Sri Lanka, my aunts and uncles were delighted that, although I don’t speak Sinhala, I wear sari, know all the correct ways to behave (unlike my mixed race cousins) and can conform. As an adult, I went with my father to Sweden and got to know another side of my family, another place where I feel at home. The Australian element is history I am proud of. As for the Scots part of my heritage, Scotland is where I have chosen to make my home, but even after twenty years, Scots assume I am English because of my accent. I am very proud of my heritage, of my beloved and colourful family, of my complex and exotic history. The only down side is that my family are scattered across the globe, so years pass without meeting - which is hard as beloved relatives age. When I was younger, I longed to fit in, to truly belong somewhere, but now I feel I can sit more lightly to “where are you from?” and feel blessed by the richness of the cultures (and cuisines) from which I come. ”
— Sophie Agrell
“I just found this and I think this is such a beautiful project and gallery. I was wondering if you have anyone doing something like this in Canada, or anywhere else in the world? I only ask because, despite there being a pretty mixed race population here (in Toronto, Canada) I feel as though there could be more done to embrace the different cultures and ways people grew up, as well as the different experiences people have had—not everyone who’s of two backgrounds is raised the same.
Still interested in following this initiative, and I look forward to seeing more from you guys in the future! ”
— Jasmine Denike
“I saw the article in The Guardian on Mixed Race Faces and just wanted to say how great it is. I am mixed race and my whole life it’s been a point of discussion around the dinner table. My brother ciruclated the article on our family whatsapp group. It’s always been facinating to me and my siblings (1 brother & 1 sister) how we have navigated the world differently to one another. My brother having lots of negative experience when he was younger, being alien to one group and the other. Compared to my sister and I who have always been seen as ‘exotic’. Me and my siblings think we are; English, French, German, Portuguese, Chinese & Guyanese! I find it really interesting when people sum up the courage to ask me about my family heritage and try to guess what my ethnicity might be. More and more I find now that people just don’t care and I get asked less and less which puzzles me.”
— Claudia Carrington King
“So much of your identity is what other people put on you” .. Only just discovered @mixedracefaces and it is such a wonderful project.”
— Jessica Joslin
“I want to thank you for this project. I just read about it a couple of days ago and was so pleased that someone had decided to mention the issue and benefits of having a mixed race background. I was born in 1961 in Ballarat, Australia, a regional town during a time when I don’t even think that diversity or mixed race were topics for discussion. As an adult I sometimes reflect on not quite fitting in. I had a Chinese parent and an Australian parent. Sometimes I sit at work meetings and I reflect on my entitlement because I look Australian. The fact that I work with migrants, refugees and international students reminds me of how difficult life can be for people who arrive here. It certainly has its benefits when working with these people.”
— Mee-Ling Doon
“hello, my name is rosa. im a british indian currently living in Canada. I just want to thank you for creating this website. I personally have faced a lot of struggle within my identity as a mixed person. rrading these stories has given me a lot of joy. I have found it can often be a lonely experience beig mixed as some people do not inderstand what it is lile to live in two worlds. seeing these posts has made me feel lile it is less of a lonely journey. these posts are truly inspirational. Thank You!!!”
— Rosa marks
“Great to discover your site via yesterdays Observer. Of Trinidadian descent with Afro-Chinese, Franco & Indo heritages I wish I could bounce off a website like this growing up in the UK and US. Best of luck with it!”
— Andre Espinet
“ I came across your website / Instagram after a friend sent me the Guardian article over the weekend. I love the platform / discussion you’re opening up about the mixed race experience as it’s something that I’ve been thinking about for a long time now.
I’m half English, half Japanese with a Dutch surname, so safe to say that question of identity is something that I’ve been trying to navigate over the years. I’ve spent time growing up both here in the UK and in Japan; the experience of navigating being “hafu” in Japan is also something that’s been really interesting for me, presenting its own set of cultural challenges. It seems like there’s an increasing conversation about the mixed-race experience as a result of rising sports stars like Naomi Osaka, which is great to see. But the idea of what is considered “aesthetically Japanese” throws up so many questions and challenges that I’ve often thought about too. How people perceive you, how you perceive yourself; these are all things that I find I’ve constantly had to think about growing up and even now in my adult life, both here in the UK and in Japan.
I’ve always found it interesting, the point around language of being mixed race, how we describe ourselves as “half” as if to suggest it’s a bit of a reductive experience, when really it stands to make us all the more rich. So seeing a platform like yours really made me happy because it steers us towards better understanding the experience but also finding a new language, visual or otherwise, to articulate our experiences. So just wanted to say thanks! Would love to hear of any future events if there’s a mailing list etc. Have a great day,”
— Will de Groot
“I think this project is amazing. Although I’m technically “white” I have a really mixed European heritage - English,Scottish and Welsh, German, Dutch and Spainish. I also did a DNA test which showed I’m part Scandinavian too. Occasionally people find it hard to place where I’m from. I grew up in North London and most of my friends were mixed something. Ive always been fascinated by mixed cultures and people from mixed backgrounds, partly because of my own mixed heritage but also because I find diversity such a deeply beautiful thing.
I wanted to show my 9 year old daughter who is half Tanzanian the pictures. She was really interested with the project and the first thing she asked was “are there any pictures of kids? I really wish there could be a project like this for mixed kids”
— Lauren Sans
“I’ve linked to it on my Instagram and also retweeted it. My friends seem really pleased to know more about me. Thank you for giving people like us a voice! I am honored to have been able to participate.
On Twitter, my friend Ingmar @readingmar tweeted it out. He’s a very lovely older man, an author, who is of Polish descent, but moved to Munich as a child. He too experienced discrimination but based on nationality rather than race. He was very touched to read my story and what you are doing.
Thanks again Zx ”
— Zach Rathore
“Subject: racially ambiguous! Thanks so much for this site. I especially am grateful for the term racially ambiguous which one of your testimonials use. I really wish I had known this phrase 60 years ago! My mum was a Dutch Burgher from Sri Lanka, ostensibly of Dutch lineage but in reality, mixed Ceylonese and European. My Dad was Welsh English but also with a Dutch twist. I would joke about my background rather than explain it, by saying I was double Dutch. I spent my life mostly as a light brown, visibly not white person. In recent years this has been complicated by near complete pigment loss. It has felt like an amputation! I am treated completely differently now, and my attitudes are assumed to be different than what they really are. I grew up in England but spent my youth in Sri Lanka where I felt very accepted. I returned to the UK and have two sons from two marriages, one is 3/4 Sri Lankan, the other is 3/4 English. The remaining 1/4 for both of them is whatever I am! Just too complicated to explain to most people. Many of whom ask this question, ‘Where are you from.’ (A question I was never asked in Sri Lanka! ) None of us has ever belonged to a community here in England. Or I perhaps I should correctly say what community we had we have had to make for ourselves. But that is what all incomes have to do.
I have always been interested in the question of what is to be a mixed-race Brit. My real answer to the question of where I come from is, of course, where I was born, in Birmingham, the place where I have also spent my middle years and where I will probably spend the rest of my life. But there are these other answers like all those on your website, that give a much more complex picture of history, origin, and identity.
It is very ambiguous to have your feet in two places at the same time, to have these very different experiences that divide your life, your understanding of what it is to be human, and most of all how others respond to you and communicate with you. I have always been glad to be myself, but that does not mean it hasn’t been complicated. In a society where visible difference seems to put you on one side of a divide I never felt comfortable with the side I was perceived as being on, it seemed very dishonest to identify with being black, and equally dishonest to identify with being white.
I am quite proudly a person of mixed heritage and history, and utterly reject all modern concepts of race and melanin quantified identity in favor of exactly that kind of pride, and an acknowledgment of the impossibility of any self-determination in our own origin and history.
I will be 70 next birthday, and still trying to work things out. Sites such as yours are invaluable in a world that seems to be going bonkers. Thank you again for all your work. ”
— Linda Ashford
“I just wanted to say that I have really enjoyed and thoroughly appreciated your project. My mum is a half Indian Trinidadian and my dad is English. My two sisters and I grew up in a small village in the north in a majority white environment. I always – and still do to some extent – feel like a phony claiming my mixed heritage and have never quite understood where I could/should place myself. Anyway, thanks so much for your project. ”
— Hannah Donovan
“ This is a fantastic page. Excellent work.”
— Brian Maruziva
“Oh my god. I’ve just seen this series of pictures and it’s made me feel less alone. I’m half Egyptian half English and would love to take part in this project. Please let me know if there is a way I can be involved.”
— Nadia Idle
“Hi! I am the co-founder of Mixed in the Six. Our mission to build Community for mixed race people in Toronto. I would love to connect to see how we can support your project and work together. Our focus is events, bringing together mixed people through food, art, music, and social causes. Looking forward to hearing from you!
— Gina Oades
“Came across about this in Guardian. Wanted to share a little bit of my story. I’m half Chinese and half Indonesian. I currently stay in Malaysia.
Our country is well known as a multi-race country. So inter-racial marriages are not something new here. So the most common first question people ask when they met new friends here is what race are you. And my answer usually is I’m mixed. Of course, I expect questions after saying it. Questions like, so what are those mixed races, which parent is which race, is it your parents or grandparents & etc. And when you thought to give the answer Chinese-Indonesia will be sufficient and turns out that I’m wrong. Because of my mother strong genes masks all my supposedly-Chinese-traits, I got questioned about my race a lot growing up. And every single time, up till today no one will settle at my answer when I said I’m half Chinese. I will get questions like, “Are you sure you Chinese?” or even “you can’t be Chinese right?”. People always sort of in denial when I said I’m Chinese. Most of the time it doesn’t bother me. It only annoyed me when the person gives me the disapproving look.
Surprisingly I don’t resemble much to Indonesian look too. Some people think that I might “mixed wrongly” because of my look. Some even say that I look like Indian, Filipino, Pakistani. Mostly when people say these, they are shocked with my real mixed races and convincing themselves that I really do not belong to those races. Cute and funny to me. But overall, I’m happy that I got this distinctive look that sort of blend into most of the Asian countries. ”
— Awah Ha...Malaysia.
“Hi guys! I just want to say how amazing your feed is! I’m a huge fan. And it’s so easy and very relatable to me because I too know what it’s like (or interestingly at times, what it’s not like) being a mixed race. It’s such a great feeling seeing all of these faces and stories. I have an awesome connection to it all. Keep it up, please!”
— Niko Leon
“Hey there,
I just wanted to say a massive thank you for including me in your project. I left today feeling soulful and soul full. I think if you made me feel this way, others must feel the same, not to mention your audience. Thank you for telling our stories, and for spreading love and light into the ether.
Much love and admiration,”
— Joe Reid
“ I love your work! It’s a lovely reminder that we are not alone in this world- there are MANY of us. ”
— luka Rshimada
“It was lovely to meet you and the MRF team last weekend. I felt quite uplifted after our photo and interview; It’s such an exciting way of connecting with people - I’m so pleased you were able to have me participate. Your photography is perfect - so congruent & engaging - grey background or no grey background.! Wishing you all the best;
— Jennifer Daley
“Good morning from Athens, Greece! I’m just wanting to send out a little message of appreciation to you: this whole project is so great! As I open my Instagram account, the stories of the mixedracefaces are among the posts that I really look forward to. Thank you! It’s an important contribution for humanity ❤️”
— Goldmaries Soulistic Nutrition
“Hey! I know ive missed when you were in London :( but i would love to take part when you are back in London. Your page is everything to me ad i am a poet and i have been struggling for ages to write something based on my mixed race identity and that might be due to that fact that i am still discovering how i identify myself. But your page is so therapeutic as its great to read stories so similar to mine . I would love to be apart of this.”
— Amelia Poamz
“Thank you so much for the email and creating a platform for mixed race stories to be heard. So glad and proud to be a part of this project! :) Please keep in contact for future events/ideas. I would love to stay involved with mixedracefaces! All the best, ”
— Sae
“Hi there, I just wanted to say how much I enjoy and appreciate this project - it makes me smile every time I see a new photo on my newsfeed ☺️ celebrating diversity is such a special thing, so thank you for spreading the love!”
— Ruby Beaupierre
“I love what you are doing here. Its so nice to not feel alone in the world or like we kinda don’t matter because there’s no exact mold for us. Thank you for writing this content!! 12/2018”
— Nina Omuwa
“I just wanted to say thank you. My whole life I was told I “looked different” or looked “ethnic” and people would play a guessing game to figure it out. I always felt I did not fit with white people for some reason, but I also didn’t fit anywhere else. this past September I learned through a dna test that I in fact come from a man whose roots are native to Mexico.
In my exploration of what this means for me and my “identity” i came across this Instagram page and your website. I feel like I have felt a home of sorts in your content and I am forever grateful. Best, - Jen Bivona”
— 12.12.2018
“I just want to say that this page is amazing and I have never related to so much content in my entire life. Thank you, thank you so much for creating this account ♥️
- Coralie Tyler ”
— 01.01.2019
“Hi there! For starters, I wanted to say what a brilliant project you are working on. I absolutely love it! And even more so I would love to be part of it. I’m half English and half Arab with a few bits of different cultures in between and if possible I would greatly appreciate it if I could share my story with you and be part of your project. I’m based in Birmingham, UK but I’m happy to travel to anywhere in the UK if needs be.
Thanks a million in advance! Have a lovely weekend!
- Alia Haven .[ Artist ] www.aliahavenart.com ”
— 01.01.2019
“Hiya, just discovered your page and I absolutely love it!! I’ve spent the whole night going through your posts and they’re all so cool. It’s so awesome to hear the experiences of other mixed race people; it’s so comforting to know that there are other people going through the highs and lows of being mixed race. I’d love to get involved and have a post of my own. Personally, I’m half Thai, half Guyanese, raised in the UK, so I think I can bring some unique experiences to the table! Even if I can’t get a post of my own, I’ll be excitedly following your page, so keep up the good work!
- Jonathan ”
— 07.01.2019
“Super cool Initiative! While I’m not mixed-race I am bilingual from birth (Austrian German& Polish) and research bilingualism academically. I’m passionate about breaking with the monolingual norm and encouraging people to embrace their multilingualism. Hence why i got excited about your site :)
— Lisa-Maria Muller - [12.01.2019]
““Where do I start with mixed race faces? This is a platform for ME, the whole of me and that’s something that I rarely if ever get to experience. I’ve learnt so much about myself since discovering them. Reading the many posts on the website and through Instagram I feel like I’ve been able to access feelings of my own about my own identity that I could never really articulate myself through other people’s experiences. I think mixed raced faces has made me love being mixed race more than ever. When’s the group party to celebrate?! Thank you so much for making me feel seen and valued.”
— 17.01.2019
“Thank you for creating the page, as I’m in a mixed race marriage I’m always conscious on the impact being of 2 cultures will have on our children. So it’s nice to see platforms emerging to talk for a minority demographic that when you think about it is so broad in it’s scope of cross over culture that a simple idea of mixed race is not enough to encompass it 😊”
— Sienna Carver 26.02.2019
“I so love what you guys are doing. Such a brilliant and important project, and as an ethnically ambiguous mixed race woman, it’s so empowering to see the breadth and diversity of what it means to be mixed race represented. ”
— Marleigh Price 27.02.2019
“It is so lovely seeing the art and beauty of being biracial or mixed via your account. It pains me that certain initiatives such as yours aren’t quite effective or prevalent here in the United States where millions of mixed-race individuals experience identity crises — and I think the situation is worsening day by day as these very individuals fail to consolidate their own identities. Anyways, thank you for your account! I love it!”
— R.J. Moore . 13.03.2019
“Hello! Just wanted to reach out because a friend sent me your page and I AM LOVING IT! Always felt a bit ‘other’ being mixed race and moving from one side of the world to the other - too British for Asia and too Asian for Britain! 😅 Your page is giving me absolute life right now, loving it so much I felt obliged to send a message!! Thanks so much for sharing these beautiful stories of our mixed race humans. 🖤 I’d love to get involved if there’s ever a chance! But regardless, thanks for doing what you do!”
— Leila Sacarr 18.03.2019
“Hi, I just wanted to tell you that, as someone from a mixed background, what you’re doing is really inspiring. I’ve always felt like I was between worlds, alone in not really belonging to a group. Your feed has proved me wrong. In seeing all the mixed race faces on your page, I feel less alone.
— Keis Gathman - 24.04.2019
“It’s mixed race erasure almost saying you can’t represent or be included into a culture that is biologically a part of you.Thanks for sharing this story! I often get that rhetoric too that I can’t speak on matters of race or race politics because I’m not this and I’m not that even though I AM this and I AM that...just don’t look it. Even claiming to be mixed race some people can’t accept it or more ‘see it’ because even that has a sterotyped ‘look’. I really appreciate this project in how it shows all the variation of mixed individuals there can be! Love reading all the experiences 💕”
— Maryam Ward 06.05.2019
“Love what you’ve been creating, it’s so beauty-full & represents so many sides of all of our experiences growing up mixed. Reading each story allowed me grieve, reason and celebrate so many parts of my self.. it’s a complicated relationship and projects like this expose us to ourselves and then everyone else who could not know otherwise of our experiences! Your work is important and highly valued. Love and gratitude ”
— Ali - 20.05.2019
“Hi there, my friend Kasey was featured with you a few months ago and drew my attention to your project. As someone who is also mixed race, this is the Instagram account that I didn’t know I needed. It feels really important and so empowering to see such interesting and diverse people featured and celebrated. I was wondering if there was a way I could be involved in this? Keen to know more. Thanks, Holly.”
— Holly Payet - 20.05.2019
“Hey, my (well our, mine & my siblings!) parents met when my Irish mother travelled to Zimbabwe in the 80’s to teach English at a rural Zimbabwean school. My father was a Maths teacher in the same school & since then we’ve lived in Lesotho, Zimbabwe and now they’ve settled in Ireland. Our cousins are also half Indian and half Irish. Their parents met at Birmingham University, their father is Indian (Goan) via Uganda. I’d love to send a picture of my siblings and all my cousins if possible. This page has been inspirational and so beneficial to my family. ”
“This is wonderful and a breath of fresh air. ”
— Simone Hudson 1 July 2019
“Hi I just wanted to share how much I appreciate your page. I am mixed race but don’t have the ‘typical’ mixed race look people expect, I’m from a very multicultural family and am now raising multiracial children. I think having the representation that not all mixed race people look the same is so important. Thank you and look forward to more stories I have enjoyed reading every single one:)”
— Fionn Vance - 10 July 2019
“Absolutely in love with your organization and what you are doing...had my mom and I in tears to see!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for what you are doing 🙏🏽 And I love HOW you are doing it!! I would love to support and partake in anyway ☺️ Malia”
— Malia 14.07.2019
“I’ve been following your page for a while now and I just want to say thank you so much. I’ve struggled for so long with the way my face is shaped, my eyes, thickness of my hair, non-European features, etc; and everything you do really helps me. Feeling “uglier” because of looking different from my friends has always hurt, and now I can finally see people that look like me. Being in high school, there’s definitely a lot of stressors, but that was one that came on top of most things. So again, thank you so so much for everything that you do.”
— Sam , 15.07.2019
“Hello, I remember you were posting underneath a photo of mine so its why I got to know this account, and thank you SO much for sharing all these stories with wonderful photos of people of mixed race.. I can relate a lot to their stories, and it feels very as coming home and getting a sense of belonging/ feeling recognized! The world isn’t as black or white as we imagine and there are so many of us, just our stories are often left out. I’d love to share my story to you sometimes too, but I see you are based in London right? I live in Amsterdam.”
— Lisa , 12.10.2019
I just wanted to say a huge thank you from someone in Canada who is mixed race and is just now wrestling with what that means. My dad is Japanese and German, and my mom is British. I look very white, and have always felt that I didn’t really “count” as a Japanese person, and yet am very connected to my Japanese heritage and my Japanese family traditions. I just found your site and am crying at work because it is so amazing to see people with stories like mine and some people who look like me. It’s been hard for me to reconcile the fact that my father (who looks very Japanese) is visibly different than me, and that people never say we look similar just because his skin is noticeably darker than mine and my hair is blonde and his is black. As many others on your site have said, the middle ground of being mixed race can be a very lonely place, and it does my heart a lot of good to see so many people with similar experiences. Thank you so much for taking the time to carry out this amazing project, and a huge thank you to your family for all of the free labour they contributed to bring these stories and photos to us!
— Anna Hayashi-Galbraith 08.11.2019
“It is so satisfying to read the stories on mixedrace individuals. As a mixed race person living in the United States it was a real struggle for me to define my identity. Living in NYC in the 50s you had to be defined as White or Negro. I am so happy to hear about your stories. It is also gratifying to read that most mixed race individuals would choose their mixed race status. I fully agree and love being a person that is multi racial ❤️ ”
— Lissel Navarro 18.11.2019
“ I basically just wanted to write to say thank you for founding this amazing project, I have often struggled with and often do struggle with my identity, and it’s easy to feel like no one really gets it.
But encountering something like this is just so overwhelmingly lovely so a huge thank you.
Also from an artistic perspective, you have all just done so well. I’m a performance storyteller and writer and for years I’ve tried to translate my experiences and worries into my work and have never succeed, so it is very inspiring to see such an ambitious project done so well.
Thank you again for being very wonderful and making my day,
Kindest regards,
— Niall Moorjan 22.02.2020
“I love what you do and what your platform celebrates. Coming from a mixed race background it is so refreshing hear and read about individuals from a multitudes of backgrounds.
Love reading everyone’s story. I’ve always been really interested in people’s backgrounds and cultures so thanks for the amazing content.”
— Letty Ozerek 01.06.2020
“I just wanted to say I think this is really cool. I’m half white American, half Honduran, and I’ve never felt like I really fit in. I’ve never really had experiences with other mixed people aside from a few others like me, so this is really refreshing. Most people don’t realize how hard it is being mixed— I’m not even sure my parents understand. Heaven knows I’ve tried explaining. But seeing so many faces that are the same yet different than mine, it was really beautiful and I’m happy I found your project :)”
— Andi Carstensen 12.06.2020
“Hi there. I just wanted to say that I think your project is wonderful. I’m from a mixed background myself, South African/ Mauritian/ English/ Irish. Reading all of the stories from your subjects was lovely. So much of it was so relatable for me and outside of my own family I’ve found I don’t know many other mixed race people so it actually felt quite welcoming looking through all of your portraits. Anyway thanks again for the fab content ☺️”
— Alex Willmore - 20 06.2020
“Really good platform for people to understand biracial / multiracial people. ”
— Daryl 24.06.2020
“I am mixed Jamaican and Australian. White-passing
Scrolling through and reading stories and experiences from fellow mixed Jamaican peoples made me feel connected. Something that throughout my life has been fleeting. To see faces that resemble mine, hear experiences and journeys that resonate and inspire. Thank you for amplifying our voices. ”
— Simonne @sim.onne - 24.06.2020
“It has been wonderful discovering mixedracefaces I am Malay and British and grew up in Malaysia, my daughter is Malay, Jamaican, Dominican, British, Arawak Indian and it has been hugely interesting reading the variety of experiences on you page. My childhood in Malaysia I had a fairly positive up bringing being mixed and I strive for it to be the best for my daughter as well. Keep on the wonderful stories.”
— Izora Lough - 24.06.2020
“Thank you!!! I think I’m following on my personal page! I love that these pages exist. I feel like mixed race people younger than me are so lucky to have these online communities so much earlier than I did! I’m super grateful they exist!”
— CAT Lady - 26.06.2020
“Hey! Just wanted to say this page is amazing, and basically thank you. The mixed heritage experience is so unique, and it’s so great to read about a community of people like me, so thank you ❤️”
— Rosanna - 30.06.2020
“I stumbled across your project on Twitter and have absolutely fallen in love with the stories and photos shared. I’m currently in graduate school studying Couples and Family therapy and I’m beginning my research on identity development within biracial individuals and how families influence this process. So long story short, I love reading the stories and photos you post. I think it’s essential that multiracial people (children and adults alike) find representation and see that they’re not alone in their experiences. Truly, truly, thank you to the entire team making this happen. As a biracial woman myself, it warms my heart!”
— Felicia G - 17.07.2020
“Hello!! Your page is amazing..so many beautiful stories and photographs. But for me, most of all, it’s just incredible to see other people like me, who all do things differently and take their mixed raceness in their own way - showing there is no right or wrong way to be mixed. Thanks”
— Noemie Djossou 01.08.2020
“I am so thankful to have found your website. I am mixed with Irish, Indian and African American ethnicities and have largely found being mixed to be like an explorer finding new undiscovered territory with endless possibilities. I appreciate what you are doing because during current times in America, I often recently find myself trying to “fit in” when most of my life I have accepted that I am slightly different. It is nice to find a community of people who are forming that different is a new normal.
Thanks, ”
— Ashtah 24.08.2020
“Thank you so much for this page! There’s a unique struggle a lot of mixed people go through where they feel constantly outside of their separate ethnicities, like they don’t fully belong to either. I’ve only realized recently how long I’ve felt that way and knock on effects it has. Seeing other mixed people like this, seeing other mixed people that look like me/have the same mix as me, is so affirming. So thank you ♥️”
— Rhys Moore 25.08.2020
“Hi Guys! I just came across your page from a post of Joy Crookes, just wanted to say I really love and appreciate what you guys are doing. Representation is so important, and I feel that strongly as an independent Actress! The film industry while getting more diverse still I find (especially in Australia) doesn’t seem to have a box for mixed race people. They always make you “pick a side” - the one you look most like, but this is a similar mindset in society too. It’s always been upsetting and I’ve had major identity issues growing up in Australia for people wanting to ignore half of my race when they found out what my background was (often due to my name). I am Indian/British & Australian. (1/2 South Indian, 1/4 British & 1/4 Australian). My nationally is Aussie but I was born in London. Whenever people ask my background I ask them where they think I’m from and the suggestions have honestly gone around the world. Predominantly I get south American, Spanish or Egyptian!
As an indie film maker and writer now I make it my mission with my partner to allow anyone of any race to audition for our roles and it’s made my so happy! I’m over the boxes and stereotypes and hope to give mixed race people a way to be who they are and not have to choose a side. Because I’ve always felt exactly who I am and I love that
Thank you guys for your work! Xx”
— Sangeetha Gowda 01.09.2020
“Hi mixed race faces team
I wanted too say a thank you for your work. I am half Sri Lankan (raised by a single Sri Lankan mother in the uk) half Italian. Most of my life I felt never enough of either and constantly looked for people like me who understood the grey area I was in of being mixed but being more SL but not looking enough of either side. I was doing a Google search for half Sri Lankans and what they see them selves as and I came across your website.
I think for half SL is important to be seen. We are often not seen as SL for our own community. Even when I went to the SL temple in London I was having to justify the way I look to them.
I want to say how much I love your page and how much I want to thank everyone to share their story. I have a mixed ethnic relationship and inside the stories I find so much that I want to take for raising my future kids. Most of all I saw a similar feeling inside the stories how important it is to embrace both culutures to support your kids to find their identity.”
— Sept 2020
“Hi there, I hope you are well. First of all, thank you ever so much for this wonderful initiative.
I am Brazilian, mixed race and I have only recently started to explore this reality. Living in the UK has highlighted to me the necessity to understand who I truly am, and I am only beginning on this journey of self-discovery and self-identity.
To me, being mixed race means feeling trapped between strongly opposing realities, in my case, black & white. However, I am not black, I am not white, I am in this inhospitable grey area and it feels suffocating at times.
We, as human beings, need a sense of belonging, of being able to express our identify freely. I currently do not belong, I do not feel heard, I do not even understand what it means to be a mixed race woman in this world. At least, not yet.
Reading stories I can relate to and seeing faces of people who are similar and different to me in so many ways is so empowering. So thank you very much for this platform. I love it! ♥️”