Irish/St. Vincent | Jamaican

I identify as mixed-race. I don’t affiliate with any religion but I am highly spiritual. My Mum is half Irish and half St. Vincent and my Dad is Jamaican. I would say I first identified and came to understand my mixed heritage when I was in secondary school so around the age of 13/14. I would always question why I was so light considering my parents were both Brown skinned and would also get interrogated at school. At school I use to get questioned as to why I am so White If I have black in me. I was always asked if my parents were my real parents and that I must have been adopted. All throughout growing up at work, events, parties, etc I have always been questioned or asked about my skin colour. Sometimes I felt like I had to be a certain way to fit in and be accepted because I wasn’t Black enough or wasn’t White enough.

But this was when I started to realise that the most important thing is that I am who I am. I am not more White or more Black. I am mixed race and I am very blessed to have the best of both worlds and I love it. I stopped caring and listening to the negativity of others a very long time ago and now embrace every single thing about me.

I think being mixed-race still has its challenges and people still have bias opinions and attitudes but we live in such a multi-cultural and diverse world that people are becoming more open and accepting to peoples different backgrounds.

If I was to be born again I would still return as myself! However, I would want to have known earlier in life all the knowledge I know now spiritually and mentally. Knowledge is power!

Always spread love and speak kindly to everyone no matter who or what they identify as.

Most important no matter what colour or ethnicity you are. Love yourself ❤️ See full story on our website #mixedracefaces