Indian/Chinese/Creole | Chinese/Creole

I would identify myself as Surinamese mixed with Indian, Chinese and Creole. Religion wise I grew up as a Christian, we did not go to the church that often but we would pray before having a meal and my Grandma taught me prayers before going to bed. I still do believe in a higher power, but I feel like there’s no difference if you prefer to call that higher power God, Allah, the universe or the source. Living up to my own expectations is what I find really important. 

My Mom was born in Surinam and so was my Dad, that’s also where they met. My Mom is mixed with Indian, little bit of Chinese and Creole. My Dad is mixed with Chinese and Creole. Luckily they grew up with the same culture, even though they’re both mixed. 

I am in an interracial relationship. I feel like nowadays it’s more accepted than for instance 50 years ago, but I also feel like interracial relationships are over fetishized nowadays because of the beautiful mixed light skin babies you’re going to get. That kinda annoys me because EVERY child is gorgeous. But then the light skin babies are viewed as more beautiful compared to the darker skin and then we got to talk about colourism and then this paragraph will get really long. But to make myself clear, I’m glad that more people see no wrong in interracial relationships because love knows no colour.

I’ve never thought of this, but I came to the Netherlands when I was 5 years old and my boyfriend is Dutch. Not sure if there’s a correlation between those 2 things, but there might be. 

I don’t think I had to face any challenges on the fact of being mixed, but I did experience racism. I got bullied when I was younger for the colour of my skin and in the Netherlands people tend to make racist comments but as long as they don’t mean it in a racist way then there’s nothing wrong with that. 

I LOVE Surinamese food and I do speak the language (with a Dutch accent of course). I still visit Surinam, and I am planning to visit again in March with my boyfriend for the first time so I am really excited about that 

When I was younger I did not realise I was mixed at all, just another kid. But growing up people were more interested in my ethnicity, so that’s when I actually realised I was mixed. I like being mixed, I feel like it makes me a bit more unique and I love getting the best of both worlds (food wise and cultural wise). People also love my hair and being surrounded by all the amazing Indian and Surinamese food!

Everything happens the way it’s supposed to so if I had the opportunity to be reborn I would do and go through everything the same way as I did. That’s what helped me to become the woman I am today.