Bengali | St Lucian

I would usually say I am mixed race and elaborate on the mix when asked. I guess you could say I am a straight, mixed-race Muslim. My Mum is from Bangladesh and my Dad is from St. Lucia in the Caribbean. They met through a college friend of my Mum. I think for them they never saw the difference as an obstacle or something difficult they had to navigate or manage. For them it was normal, and they raised us accordingly. As they are both Muslim that was the most important part for them. From what I can tell both my parents are very open and I think by approaching each other’s cultures openly, willingly and embracing that part of their respective other they were able to create a symbiotic equilibrium between the two cultures, at least in raising us they did.

When my parents got together it was probably very strange for people to hear, a lot of people in the Bengali community questioned it, it is still quite a surprise now, however I think the day and age we live in and what society is leaning towards people are a lot more open to the idea of very mixed cultures coming together in marriage. I have grown up in a very mixed family so choosing a partner for me is more about substance than anything else I will add that my religion will have some bearing on my chosen partner.

Being mixed-race has opened me up to two whole different worlds and has made me a much more well-rounded person. Because I am so aware of the cultural differences within my own race, I am always willing to learn about other races. I feel coming from two different races has allowed me to always look at the bigger picture with things.

I don’t think anything really connects me specifically to my cultures, I just identify with each culture as a whole. I would add though, that I love Bengali food and one of the reasons I appreciate coming from two cultures was being able to grow up with two very distinctive cuisines and getting to experience the amazing food. I haven’t visited my native countries but my plan is to visit very soon.

For as long as I can remember I have always been so proud to come from two mixed backgrounds and that aspect for me hasn’t changed. As I have grown though, it has become clearer for me; the difference and significance. When I was a kid it was just where I was from but now, I realise the significance in my parents coming together especially 20 years ago, I have become more aware of both my cultures and it has made me that much prouder. I also appreciate a whole lot more.

I absolutely think that my workplace is inclusive of my culture, gender & sexuality. I’m not saying it is perfect, but from the moment I first started until now I have never felt excluded in anyway.

If I had the opportunity to be reborn, I would like to return exactly the same! Of course, in life there may be certain choices we want to change, but being Black and Asian, being a women, a Muslim and a British citizen has all completely shaped me into the person I am and I like that person, I wouldn’t want to be anyone/thing different.