Chinese | Puerto Rican
Photo credit: provided by subject
I am mixed-race; Chinese & Puerto Rican. That's why I look like a Pokemon Master. My Mom is from Taiwan. My Dad is from Washington Heights, New York City. They met in college. My Dad was my Mom's professor, so I'm the extra credit! I was born in Edison, New Jersey.
My parents have both visited Taiwan and Puerto Rico. They combine their countries' foods all the time. Some of my mixed meals include pastellas and dumplings. My Mom taught me how to speak Mandarin at a very young age, I don't speak Spanish.
Culture doesn’t affect my choice in partner, but I prefer someone who is mixed-race! Let's have some X-men kids! I have a positive view on interracial relationships. I'm in one! Mix it up, I say! However, my parents/grandparents prefer that their kids date within their own races.
I have hidden the fact that I am Chinese before. Growing up I was bullied for being Asian. I think education is crucial in tackling racial inequality. I feel a lot of racism, bigotry, and prejudices develop from environment and unfamiliarity.
The positives I have faced around my identity include being marginally attractive; mixed-race babies are beautiful. Another positive is that my diversity is a plus in the entertainment business. Challenges I faced include having trouble finding a true identity and feeling full acceptance from both sides of my family.
I have visited Taiwan several times. It's a long commute to my Grandmother's farm in Taiwan, but it's worth it! When I was a baby up until my teenage years, I spent whole summers there. I was even enrolled in Chinese school. The experience was amazing. It is so different from my privileged life in the states. Being able to be a part of both worlds has really enlightened me. I plan to tour and do comedy in China when the pandemic is over. I only visited Puerto Rico when I was a baby and do not remember it.
My outlook on being mixed has sweetened from childhood to adulthood. As a child, I felt different and I wanted to be like others. As an adult, I embrace my uniqueness and view it as one of my greatest strengths.
I do feel mixed people are represented well in the sports and entertainment worlds. In the regular corporate world, not so much.
If I was reborn I would make no changes to my race. (Maybe green or blue eyes would be nice! Maybe some height??). A lot of my stand-up comedy is inspired by my mixed-race heritage.
I am managing my wellbeing during the Coronavirus by staying busy with virtual and socially distanced stand-up comedy shows. I am also taking advantage of the time I am able to spend with my partner. When things go back to normal who knows if we will ever be able to spend this much time together again!