English | Brazilian

My Mother is from a place called Solanea in Paraiba, Brazil. My Dad is from Chelsea in London, UK. They met in Spain. From what I know she arrived in Spain with nothing and worked many waitressing jobs. My Father was a truck driver who flew planes as a hobby in his spare time. My Mother was working at a restaurant near where my Dad flew his planes and she built up the courage to ask him for a ride. She didn’t speak English and he didn’t speak Portuguese and both of their Spanish was very wishy washy so in reality I don’t know how they understood each other, but it worked. Next thing they know she is 22 and pregnant with me.

I was never baptised, and my Father didn’t want anything to do with religion, therefore I assume we were nonbelievers. At school I was not allowed to participate in religion classes, so I don’t identify through religion. I don’t really feel like I identify myself with anything at the moment. I am very lost, and my races are very confusing. Nevertheless, I do embrace them. Depending where I am, I tend to identify differently.

I think interracial relationships are good because it unties people from being from only one place and becoming people of the world. My Grandparents never spoke about this in their generation, so I don’t really know what it must have been like for them. Albeit, I believe it would still be difficult for my Dad to accept a boyfriend from a different culture, which is upsetting for me.

Sometimes because of my fair complexion (especially in the winter), people around me start talking badly about foreigners and the jobs they take up. Even my friends have done this in the past. When I remind them, I too was not brought up here but I am trying to contribute and become the best psychiatrist I can to help children they usually get embarrassed and apologise. I explain that foreigners are not here to go against people but rather to build a better life for themselves.

If I were to be born again, I would return the same way, but with 5 more languages. This is so I could talk to more people and learn about them and their ways of life.

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