British | Ghanaian

I’m definitely more a product of my Mom’s White British upbringing than my Dad’s Black Ghanaian side. He never really brought his culture and influences into the home and he wasn’t in touch with his family so there were no Black people in our home when I was growing up. As I’ve gotten older I’ve been drawn more towards Black culture and Black people, but I often feel like the odd one out. My skin colour gets me entry to the club but I’m always just a guest and not a member! I’m much more ok with who I am now, I'm no longer seeking approval in the same way. I like to stand out, but I definitely struggled with it when I was younger.

I’ve just finished making a Youtube series about my Dad and my quest to track down my Ghanaian family, called ‘Hidden Roots’. My Dad, originally from Ghana, died nearly 12 years ago. I then found out he’d been lying about his age for over a decade, was secretly married, and had a huge Ghanaian family who he had told me almost nothing about. For a man that I loved and respected and had always associated with honesty it was a lot to take in. Dad's secrets and the family I never knew had been playing on my mind for years. I never found the time and I never really knew where to start with such a big project, especially as there wasn’t much information to go on.

It’s been a deeply personal experience and it's been quite intense putting it out into the world for other people to make their own interpretations of, but it's also been incredibly rewarding. I feel closer to my Dad now and I've also made connections to my Ghanaian family and to Ghana itself. I’m taking his ashes back there to be buried with his brothers. It feels like a really important journey, a final end for my Dad and a new beginning for me. I’m taking time to learn about Ashanti culture and traditions. I love Ghanaian clothing and music and I’m starting to incorporate those influences into my own style and music. I’m discovering the culture rather than retaining it.

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