English | Jamaican

I identify as White & Black Caribbean, no religion & heterosexual. My Dad is from Manchester and my Mum is from Jamaica, but she was raised in England and Jamaica. My Step Mother who raised me is from India and my half-brother is half Indian so it was a very multi-cultural upbringing. I feel like my parents kinda started their own culture. They had me very young in the 80s and London was changing a lot, so I feel like they did their own thing. My Granddad had also moved back to Jamaica years before, so Mum was probably quite distant from that culture at the time. 

I’m actually in an interracial relationship for the first time in my life and it’s kinda made me feel stuff I’ve never felt before. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but it’s definitely made me feel very connected to my partner and her family (she’s also mixed-race). In terms of prejudice my parents experienced a lot but so far me and my partner haven’t got any. But we haven’t really left London yet. No but my Mum’s first question whenever I tell her I have a new girlfriend is ‘Is she White?’. Which is odd because she mainly dates White men. 

As I’m so White my mixed-race experience has been very positive. I have White privilege and when people do find out I’m mixed it always surprises them but makes them interested. I’ve personally never had much racism thrown at me, but I do hear a lot as people don’t watch their mouths around me as they think I’m White. I’ve experienced some minor challenges, but nothing compared to other members of my family. 

I connect to each of my cultures through music and food but also by connecting with older members of my family. I’ve been to stay with my Granddad in Kingston. If I’m honest it was kind of life changing. I saw a lot of myself in my Grandad (good and bad) and experiencing the Jamaican culture properly was eye opening. I feel like the discussion on race/identity has gotten wider and there are more diverse voices getting a public platform, so I feel more educated hearing other people’s stories. Perspectives on identity are changing and evolving so I think my opinion is too, and it will definitely evolve more in the future.

I’m not sure if I would choose to be reborn if I had the choice.