British | Jamaican

Primarily, I am considered to be Jamaican and White British and racialized as White and Black Caribbean. However due to the multiracial origins of Jamaican heritage my predominantly African roots are there along with Scottish, Chinese and Indian with talks of Spanish descent also on my Father’s side to add. My sexual orientation is heterosexual. I am a spiritual person on my spiritual journey and believe in God.

My Mother originates from Jamaica and my Father originated from England (UK). They met at school in Worcestershire not long after my Mother came to live in England from Jamaica at the age of 15. My Mother is very cultured, particularly having been born in Jamaica. Based on this I have had a predominately traditional Caribbean upbringing within the more urban city area of Birmingham, including reggae music, food and patois (living and growing up with my Mother as a single parent). I would also see my Father regularly in the suburban Worcester area of the countryside. I would experience traditional English style food, music and way of speaking.

As my Mother has always been both religious and spiritual, I had many restrictions growing up and certain morals and values were instilled, whereas my Father’s side were more liberal and less restrictions were imposed due to cultural differences. As I have predominantly experienced a more cultural upbringing I prefer a partner who is cultured and confident in their Black identity and history. 

Often around family members on my Father’s side I reflect that I had the tendency to adapt my accent to appear more well-spoken in order for me to be more relatable and approachable. I feel that interracial relationships can be successful so long as parents of mixed-race heritage learn both sides of their heritage equally and are mutually respected, particularly within Black and White unions as tension still exists predominantly within the two race groups. My Grandparents had a very traditional British ideology of that period/era and were not open to the concept of interracial relationships, which is significantly different to my view of the current era/period.

This topic has always been a personal interest of mine due to my personal experiences, however, were sparked by the recent controversial treatment of Megan Markle as I could strongly identify on both sides. With some people negatively vocal at her self-identification as a Black woman and some vocal at the fact that her Blackness was an issue within that particular setting. This experience was particularly familiar during periods of my Miss JA UK reign.

I have visited Jamaica to experience the lifestyle and culture and I have lived in England all of my life and equally experienced the lifestyle and culture. I would like the opportunity for my Black culture to be embraced more on my White/English side, instilling more confidence in turn and not feeling as though I had to pick a side and remain in a juxtaposed position.

During the pandemic I have been mainly keeping busy with floristry, which is a personal hobby, undertaking various online courses, exercising, maintaining health and completing my MA social work dissertation (based on mixed-race identity). I feel that this movement impacts me as a mixed-race individual due to how I am racially perceived within society. I still do realise the privilege I may hold however due to being of mixed heritage and will in turn continue to be aware of this and speak out against injustice/inequality, in turn educating those unaware or biased.