Moroccan | Hungarian/Macedonian
Photo credit: provided by subject
I identify myself as a multi-racial and a strong spiritual woman born in France.
I am an artist and even if it was quite complicated at the beginning, I used my my originality to become singer and actress. My mum was born in Morocco (with berberian origins) and my Dad was born in Yugoslavia from an Hungarian mother and a Macedonian father. My lovely parents met in a Parisian restaurant, my dad asked my mother for light to smoke a cigarette. We didn't spoke Arabic at home as my father travelled a lot and was not able to understand, so we spoke French, my mother tongue. My mother cooked Arabic, french and Yugoslavia food at home. When my twin sister and I were little girls, my mother and my father was both reciprocally scared that the other bring the girls to his/er country.
As an adult, I visited 5 times Morocco and two times Hungary and Yugoslavia. I am just able to partially understand my parents languages. Passionate of french, words and sense (you understand why) so I studied litterature and become an expert in language. My name is also original but french because my mother wanted to avoid discrimination...
My name is a link between my two sides: Marie for the Christian Virgin and Myriam for my Muslim side. My name is represented in all religions. When I was younger, I wanted to be called Marie to be like the others but I always was proud to explain my heritage because it's not common. I understand now how huge my heritage is, it can be a mental charge sometimes. My mother is my role model, as she is strong and independent woman, she is so brave. My identity is a gift, I can easily learn languages, pronounce words in several languages (with a good accent), change my appearance, I am very open-minded, I love to make links between people etc. I consider France, my native country, as a chance for the artist and the woman I am.
If I had the opportunity to be reborn, I would like to come back as myself, I am so proud to be such original.