Italian | Ghanaian

My Dad is from Ghana and my Mum is from Italy. I’m the final triplet to share my story. I have been asked where I’m from before, I felt happy that they wanted to know about me because they wanted to learn about different cultures. People from my class have wondered what country I was from. I told them that my Dad's side is from Ghana because his Mum and Dad were born there. I am also from Italy because my Mom's Dad was born there.

From my point of view, we don't celebrate a lot, but we do go to Italy every year and my Dad has shown me pictures and told me about Ghana because I haven't been there. When Grandma lived with us, she used to make lots of Ghanaian food, Jollof rice and plantain. What I like about Ghana is that it's different to England. The food and clothes that Ghanaian's eat and wear is very different to the English. As I've been to Italy before I know a bit about the country. I love that it's hot and there are lots of nice places and lovely beaches to go to. I also like pasta.

Like my sister I’m really inspired by Simone Biles as I love gymnastics too. I also look up to ex basketball player and presenter Ade Adepitan and people like him. I think it’s amazing that he has achieved so much regardless of any difficulties he may have faced. It reminds me that I should be grateful with all that I have and shouldn’t moan and complain. It also shows me that someone’s body, physical ability or colour should not stop them doing what they want to do.

I think it’s not nice when people get teased because they are different from other people. I remember being teased by a boy who said I was smelly because I was brown. I got upset and told my Dad when it happened. Later, my Dad explained that some people may say nasty things because they are scared of people who are different from them, but I should never ever listen to them and always be proud of who I am. I think these people like that boy are bullies and have problems, so they have to take it out on others to feel better about themselves. We may look different from each other but are the same underneath.

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