Irish | Guyanese

The biggest topic I would like to talk on (and learn more about) is what does it mean to be an ally in social struggle and change? As a mixed-race person, I have both an internal and external perspective to the Black struggle for equality, as well as other struggles going on (Israel/Palestine, women’s equality etc.). It feels like it is no longer enough to take a step back and observe, and I would like to better understand how I can contribute to making our society a more open and inclusive place (no matter how small or quiet these contributions may be).   

Since my first interaction with Mixedracefaces, the biggest change that has impacted my identity has been the growing prominence of Black Lives Matter. Interestingly, while I’ve also changed jobs and have moved house, this public conversation has done more to change how I think about my identity because of how it's informed how readily I speak from my personal experiences, to who, and to what extent. Previously my thoughts on race, and my race specifically, were more of a private affair whereas now I feel a bit more compelled to speak from my experiences more often. Overall, I think this has been a positive change for me personally, even if the circumstances surrounding this change are deeply upsetting.  

My girlfriend and I are both mixed-race (Caribbean/Irish heritage), so in my new relationship we have more of an immediate, intimate understanding of each other where some things do not need to be discussed. So, whilst we still do discuss our differences, and grow from these conversations, these differences are more personal and less cultural. Beyond us, I’ve had the biggest conversations with our son as I’m having to figure out what identity means for him and my role in his journey. Both in terms of balancing the beautiful aspects of being mixed-race, as well as trying to contextualise the prejudice he may (and already has) faced. We’re gradually moving from more general conversations about the world, to more specific ones about his place in it.

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In collaboration with Poetic Unity