British | Chinese

I definitely identify myself as being more British partly because my mum was an immigrant from Singapore when she was 23. She definitely picked up that immigrant patriotism where she over egged the whole I’m British thing, she puts on this faux posh accent. So culturally I wasn’t that influenced by her side that much. I think growing up I identified more with her, in terms of my visual appearance. I look more like her than my dad. I think that the Chinese genes when I was growing up were quite strong to the point where I would wonder whether my Dad was actually my Dad because he didn’t look anything like me. It made me feel a bit weird. I didn’t hugely care about how people saw me as I always tried to find my identity in it, when I was growing up I always tried to reach out to any East Asian influences just to try and get a hold of that side of me. Visually I knew that I was a mix and had some roots there but didn’t necessarily have something clear to hold on to which is something that I wanted. Growing up knowing you are slightly different, you want to own it and embrace it. That’s how I felt.

It’s always a good talking point. Certainly in London people are always very interested in that sort of stuff and always want to know your story and where you are from. It’s often a conversation starter, it’s a huge part of my identity. If I had to describe myself on some sort of profile, it would be something I would definitely reference because it sets you apart. I enjoy it and embrace it! I think going forwards it is going to be nothing but positive. I think more and more mixed race people are recognised from an aesthetic point of view as being great and I am so pro everyone mixing it and getting everyone beige. A future where you won’t be able to identify someone as being from a particular race. I really really like that idea where everyone is recognised as unique and with their own different mix. That would be the ideal, it breaks down so many of those borders.