Italian | Ghanaian

My Dad is from Ghana and my Mum is from Italy. I have a brother and a sister of the same age, I’m a triplet. I have been asked about my background, I felt happy that they were interested in knowing about my culture and lifestyle. Some of my friends have asked me which backgrounds I came from and I told them Ghana and Italy because that’s where my parents are from. 

We love eating Jollof and Italian food. I also love pizzas. I like that my cultures are different and don't have the same things as each other so that I can learn more. I'm learning Italian and want to go to Ghana soon. I want to see my other family and friends who are living there. Ghana looks like it's full of happiness and there are lots more traditions that I would like to see.

Nonno (Grandad) came to England when he was only 18 and couldn't speak a single word of English. His sister got him a job working in a kitchen serving food and because he couldn't understand anyone he kept giving people the wrong things! Grandma grew up in Ghana but left when she was about 20. She first worked in Germany as a nurse before she came to England.

Simone Biles, an artistic gymnast, is a role model of mine because I do gymnastics too, and that’s what I want to do when I grow up. She has got so many gold medals and she has got so far, so I want to be like her. She is a really good role model to look up to because she is always thriving in what she does and there are not many gymnasts that look like me. Even when she falls, she always gets up and never gives up.

Some of the YouTubers I watch also do some gymnastic moves, that’s why I started watching them but they also do pranks and silly challenges. I find that stuff funny and it makes me laugh but I know it’s just entertainment.

I really enjoy art, especially painting. I’m always painting pictures and other objects for family, friends and myself. I recently decorated my own cup! Even if things don’t come out like I want, I still keep them because I enjoy being creative.