French | Cameroonian

I identify as Afropean. My Mom is from Cameroon and Dad is French. They met in a nightclub, they had friends in common going to the same party. Both my parents were born in Africa, even though my Dad is French he was born and raised in Morocco. My Mom was born in Cameroon but mostly grew up in Europe/Western World. All that to say they both understand each other's world to some capacity. My Mom never learned Douala, the language spoken by her tribe in Cameroon. That's because my Grandfather favoured French in the house rather than Douala. Indoctrination is real!

Food wise, we ate mostly Mediterranean food at the house but we all welcomed traditional Cameroon dishes my Mom cooks on special occasions. Music wise, my parents don't have a great taste in music in my opinion. I'm a DJ. I'm supposed to know good music...! They both enjoy listening to each other's music which is mostly French.

In terms of restrictions, there was a lot of racism in my family from my Dad's side. My Mom has been called names by my Grandfather, my brother (first born) had to call him ‘Sir’ until age 3. My Uncle is no better however he has been divorced three times while my parents have been together for 35 years, what can I say!

Visiting my native countries is not something that happens often unfortunately. My Mom left Cameroon because of family issues. Her and her brother had to flee the country for safety issues when they were 18. She only went back on rare occasions to visit her Mom (her parents were separated). She’s never really felt safe in her country. When her Mom and Dad passed away she stopped going. The last time she went I believe was when her brother passed away, I was 17 and I went with her. I was dying to see my country. I'd been there when I was 9 months and I actually took my first step there. Then again when I was two. Last time was when I was 17. I don't know my country at all and it pains me a lot. I also have plans to go back to Cameroon.

I clearly have a very different view than my Grandparents on both my Mom & Dad’s side. I think interracial relationships are beautiful. I'm an interracial baby and I grew up in a house where Black and White is love. I’ll let you imagine how shocking it is when you realize it's not the case outside the walls of your home!

I embrace my identity so much and I think it's beautiful. Of course there are always challenges when you sit in the middle of a spectrum, it is only later as I grew up that I don't have to choose either side and just sit comfortably in the middle!

When you're a child the concept of race doesn't make much sense. It's only when you grow up that you realise it is a thing. The older I get the more clarity I get on being from mixed heritage. Also I'm French and the term mixed RACE really annoys me. There is something in the language that really reinforced the concept of race, we don't have this in French. Mixed-race is Métisse or Mixed. Mixed Heritage is a good one in my opinion. If only everyone could start using it that would be great because I'm tired of correcting people!

If I had the opportunity to return I would like to be an elephant and live peacefully on my ancestors' land.