Irish | Jamaican

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I identify myself as mixed race, I would not call myself light-skinned or anything else. When my dad died it was just my mum, my three sisters and I. All we ever did was a move house. My mum is from Jamaica and my dad is from Ireland, most people think my mum is white and my dad is black because apparently that’s how us mixed race people are made; white mum and black dad. I grew up all over the UK because my family always moved a lot, Peckham, South East London has been my home for 7 years now. I first realized I was mixed when I was in year two and I wanted to play with a group of boys but they said that I couldn’t play because I was not white to be honest. I felt like rubbish because I was confused. I had no clue what was going on. I make friends with people who are from other cultures. I was raised to see that everyone is accepted no matter your race or background. Personally, I would tend to go out with someone with the same religion as me or if they have no religion at all. I think there is still some bias attitudes or stereotypes towards mixed race people but we don’t see it as much as we used to. If I was born again I would not change my cultural background. I enjoy what I look like and I wouldn’t change it for the world. The way I see the future for people who come from a mixed background is that there would be no hate or verbal abuse because times are changing and people are starting to realize we are all the same people who walk the same earth and breath the same air.