English | Norwegian/German/Gambian

Photo credit: provided by subject

Photo credit: provided by subject

I identify as mixed-race. I recently completed a DNA test and found I also have ancestry in Senegal, Cameroon, Congo, Southern Bantu, Nigerian, Mali & Benin-Togo. 

Both my Mother and Father were born in England. My Father is half Black. My Mother is White. They met at college. We have grown up within the English culture. My Grandfather, who is Black African, was also born in England. 

Culture did not have an effect on my choice of partner, I am married to an English man. Love who you want to love. I have also never hidden my identity, it's something I am proud of.

I've faced racism and found it confusing as a child to see my Father treated differently than my Mother by society. I've also had people question whether my Grandfather is really my biological Grandparent, which is extremely uneducated and rude of them to ask (especially given I look so much like my Father). My sister was born with Blonde hair from my Mother and my Father faced a lot of nasty comments, despite her having many of his facial features. I can't imagine how hard that must have been for my Mother and Father to hear from ignorant people.

I have yet to visit all of my native countries. I'm desperate to visit Gambia where my Great-Grandfather was from in the next few years (once Covid is over!).

I am proud of my heritage and my Father always instilled that in my sister and me. My sister and I both look very different; I am darker, and I have afro curly hair. Growing up I was bullied in school for being different, but as I've got older I love the features I was born with and embrace being different. 

Most of my colleagues don't know I'm part Black. I don't always spring to mind when there are things like ‘multicultural’ events, but I accept that I can be White passing (especially when I straighten my hair).

I wouldn't want to be reborn. I just got married and am extremely happy. I don't think I'd like to come back as a human being if I did reincarnate. Maybe an Eagle or something so I could fly.