Kashmiri | Dominican / English / French

I have been raised to be proud and embrace my unique mixed heritage since childhood. My parents met in London and married during their teenage years where today they are still happily married. They were leaders ahead of their time and have inspired my own form of leadership today. My unique background has enabled me to comfortably connect with people from all races and social backgrounds.

Recently, I have received my Ancestry DNA results which states that I am 50% Indian on my father's side and surprisingly 29% Nigerian on my mother's side when they settled in Dominica within the Caribbean. The rest on my mother's side is a mixture of English, French, Italian, Spanish, Scottish, Irish, German and Indian diaspora in the Caribbean and Fiji. Interesting fact is that mixed race people are the fastest growing group in the UK. I am so proud to be part of this beautiful race and have mixed heritage!

As one of the UK's leading diversity champions, I was seen as the go-to person and voice for race diversity in the City of London in 2015 when many feared discussing the "elephant in the room". Nearly six years ago, I launched a Charity called ‘The Miranda Brawn Diversity Leadership Foundation’ (www.tmbdlf.com) which made UK history, initially to help tackle racial inequality and now it covers all forms of inequity across all races and diversity strands.

As an international public speaker and media contributor, I bring the realities of the workplace to the forefront and how change is required not just within the workplace but also across education, media, society. More people need to support racial and social equity by getting used to being uncomfortable when talking about these topics followed by action in and out of their workplaces. Your voice is your superpower and I provide coaching to help others here.

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