Dutch | Thai

I would identify myself as a straight Dutch/Thai mixed citizen of earth. My parents met on a Thai island, Koh Samet. My Father is Dutch, and my Mother is Thai, both born and raised in their native countries. I never talked about interracial relationships with my parents, but I believe love is not something you can put in a box and make rules for it so if your partner is from another ethnicity, culture, gender or whatever I don’t care as long as the couple is happy. I think my parents being together was such a normal thing for me that I never really thought about what other people think about it. Food and music help me to connect with my culture. My Mother always cooks so we eat Thai food a lot. But I also like Dutch liquorice (drop) which is typically hated by a lot of Asians. My Mother listens to Thai music when she cooks so I hear Thai music often. I like music, so I also searched for Thai songs and listen to them when I feel like it. I also know some old Dutch songs and listen to those too. The language I use most is Dutch. Sadly enough my Thai is really bad because of insufficient use but I would like to learn and master it in the future. I was born in Thailand and moved to The Netherlands when I was about 5 years old. We have visited Thailand a lot to meet my Mother's family and that is how I learned about the culture until now. I would like to live in Thailand for a longer period of time instead of just visiting as a tourist but that is something I can still do in the future. It is weird to say but I think I just recently started to think about my mixed-race ethnicity. I think that the household I grew up in has taught me how to deal with being a mixed-race and that even though there are challenges and difficulties you have to overcome, there are also benefits to being mixed-race. Though there were cases where my mixed-race ethnicity made me lose some of my self-esteem when I was younger I had and still have a very positive outlook on mixed-race ethnicity. If I had the opportunity I would like to experience what would have happened if I grew up in Thailand and never moved to The Netherlands.

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