Rusty Penny
A short documentary campaign visually exploring how definitive experiences in our lives allow us to find access to a wider mixed-race community. The series focuses on the different environments mixed-race people exist within and how through these differences, we can still obtain a strong sense of community.
English | Hong Kong Chinese
The main thing I do now is teach body confidence and I really believe my lack of confidence was due to my race and being bullied at school. Me, my sister and one other boy were the only Chinese people, and it was highlighted every Chinese New Year that we were different, to the point I rejected my Chinese culture and wanted to be fully White. I attacked my body image. I have more of a Chinese figure with flatter boobs and naturally lean and muscular. My Mum has big boobs and long limbs. I suffered a lot for many years with low self esteem, eating disorders and body dysmorphia. It was only after becoming a fitness professional and doing body building that I realised the perfect body didn't exist and I changed my mindset to love who I am on the inside. This included my race.
My Chinese name and then waishee coaching was born. I now teach others how to heal their relationship with food and body image and accept their race and sexuality and identity whatever that may be. Its really empowering.
I now have blue hair so I only get good comments now like how crazy and wild my hair is! I think because of childhood trauma I created a hard exterior in an attempt to not look like me, to be something I thought I should be and this started with my body but was also my marriage and job roles etc.
Once I entered the world of personal development I met others like me and I started to heal those wounds and started becoming my true authentic expression of who I am. I did things like Burlesque and fire performing which helped me to create different characters who I could try on for size as I started to learn who I am and accept me enough to be me... out loud.